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- Artikel-Nr.: PFMP57
Pangea Fruit Mix™ Complete Banana-Papaya Formula
- Made With Over 50% Real Banana and Papaya Fruit
- No Seeds, Nuts, Or Seed Meals
- Protein From Whey Isolate and Egg Whites
- Guaranteed to Produce An Enthusiastic Feeding Response!
This formula is very similar to the Watermelon-Mango formula nutritionally speaking but with a higher fat content and a different flavor profile. This formula is a favorite among our crested geckos in and is devoured readily by all of our geckos. Can be alternated with the PFM™ Watermelon Mango or fed exclusively.
PFM™ Complete Diet uses a combination of fruits that your geckos won't be able to resist. It has been formulated using only the highest quality ingredients, including All Natural Dried Fruits, Whey Protein Isolate, Egg White, Bee Pollen, Spirulina, Probiotics, and more. Our ingredients are selected to contain very low levels of Anti-Nutrients like Oxalates and Phytates. We do not use any seeds, nuts, seed meal, cereal grains or high oxalate fruits or vegetables in our product. We developed this product here at Pangea and hired a PhD in animal nutrition to make sure we got it right.
Anti-Nutritional Factors
You can think of anti-nutrients as the ugly side of otherwise good things. As humans we eat foods that contain anti-nutrients all the time, usually without any noticeable detriment to our health. In a normal varied diet these food items can be quite healthy for us, however if we were to eat these items every single day with every single meal we could potentially develop serious calcium and mineral deficiencies.
Oxalate (Oxalic Acid)- Binds to calcium and other minerals, making them unusable to the gecko, and can contribute to poor egg quality, slow growth, weak bones, increased incidence of Floppy Tail Syndrome, and other calcium related issues. High levels of Oxalates are common in many fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, flowers, seeds, nuts, seed meals, and legumes. PFM™ Complete Gecko Diet was formulated to contain very low levels of this anti-nutrient.
Phytate (Phytic Acid)- Binds to calcium, zinc, manganese, and iron. Contributes to similar issues as Oxalate and can also interfere with the digestion of Protein. Phytate is common in cereal grains, seeds, nuts, seed meals, vegetables, bran, and various other ingredients.
Other Anti Nutrients- We have also paid close attention to some other key anti nutrients.
Trypsin inhibitors- Found in substantial levels in many foods but particularly in Soy products. These interfere with protein digestion. We do not include any ingredients that contain trypsin inhibitors.
Cyanogenic Glycosides- Found in some seeds, nuts and tubers. Can release hydrogen cyanide when digested. Although that sounds very scary, most foods do not release enough of this substance to be immediately toxic. Since the long term effects of even low levels of this in daily fed diets are not well known, we do not include ingredients that contain them.
Goitrogens- Can cause thyroid problems. Found in some fruits and vegetables. Pangea Fruit Mix™ Complete does not contain goitrogenic ingredients.
Saponins- Found primarily in soy and legumes. PFM™ Complete does not contain ingredients that contain saponins.
The absence of high levels of anti nutrients combined with the correct levels of calcium, phosphorous, vitamins, and nutrients helps to ensure healthy growth, reproduction, good bone density, and egg quality.
Adding Insects To The Diet
PFM™ Complete has been formulated as a complete diet. While it is not entirely necessary to offer insects when feeding a complete diet, it is beneficial to their health and to their mental enrichment.
Wie alle Pangea Produkte sehr gut. Meine Kronengeckos lieben die Abwechslung.
Sehr gute Rückmeldung
Ich habe diese Sorte nun mehrmals nachbestellen müssen, da meine Kronengeckos verrückt danach sind! Es lässt sich einfach zubereiten und hält, in Einzelhaltung, eine Ewigkeit. Für mich und meine Geckos - einfach das beste Hauptfuttermittel (abgesehen von Insekten).